Norovirus is an RNA virus of the family Caliciviridae,[1] a very contagious group of viruses that cause gastroenteritis illness.[2] Norovirus was the very first virus identified to cause gastroenteritis, and was named after the first recorded outbreak in Norwalk, OH. During that outbreak, in 1968, elementary students at a school in Norwalk began to present with diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. The kids were thought to have “winter vomiting disease.” Practitioners at this time, while unable to isolate the virus yet, took rectal swabs of the infected kids and gave those to “volunteers” at a prison a the Maryland House, they developed the same illness.[3] When they became ill, their rectal swabs were administered to others who also became sick.[4] Through this process, practitioners developed an idea of transmission, onset, incubation and the length of the illness.
Infected individuals usually experience symptoms within 24 to 48 hours of exposure. Symptoms may then last up to 60 hours and alleviate on their own. Studies, however, have shown that Norovirus in the very young (less than 2 years old) can last twice as long as that in adults, with an average illness of near four days.[7] In some cases, neonatal exposure can lead to death.[8] In addition, elderly person over 85 years of age have be identified as much more likely to die from exposure to Norovirus, while those over 65 can experience significant complications.[9] Those with immunocompromised conditions are also at heightened risk of serious complications and death.[10]
Norovirus is highly contagious and can survive on items an infected person has handled for days or even weeks, so it’s important to be aware of your surroundings, the food you handle, and the presence of any infected persons.
To prevent the spread of norovirus, it’s important to:
No medical regimen has been identified, and antibiotics are not effective. The recommended treatments are linked to maintaining hydration.
Even though norovirus is known by many other names, such as the “stomach flu,” it’s important to remember that it is not related to the flu, which is a respiratory illness. Norovirus is more akin to food poisoning than the influenza virus.
The CDC reveals that 49 percent of all foodborne illness outbreaks in the United States result from the norovirus. World-wide, as many as 90% of non-bacterial gastroenteritis is believed to be from Norovirus.[12] Other common causes of foodborne illness include bacteria, chemicals, and parasites. This stresses the crucial importance of adherence to proper hygiene, such as washing hands and washing foods before meal preparation.
Food poisoning is highly common on the onset of summers but the pathogens vary. One such notorious pathogen that may cause food poisoning is Norovirus.
The legal experts who can ensure you get the compensation because of the norovirus infections is known as Norovirus Food Poisoning Lawyer. Norovirus is contagious pathogen that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. The people who suffers the food poisoning because of the Norovirus are entitled to compensation for the medical expenses, loss of pay, and other damages.
A Norovirus food poisoning lawyer helps the victims navigate the complex legal process and hold the responsible accountable for their negligence and wrongdoings. The lawyer may also improve the food safety standards and prevent the future outbreak of this deadly illness.
A Norovirus attorney is a legal counsel who is a legal specialist in handling the Norovirus-induced food poisoning cases. A Norovirus attorney works to hold the responsible parties accountable for their negligence. These parties include food manufacturers, restaurant owners, food manufacturers who fail to comply with the food safety protocols.
Norovirus Attorney may also work to improve the food safety regulations to prevent the outbreak of the disease. Norovirus attorney is skilled and knowledgeable attorney who is efficient in the legal frameworks surrounding product liability cases and personal injury law.
A Norovirus lawyer is someone who represents the victims of food poisoning caused by Norovirus. He works to help the victims get a hefty sum of compensation for the medical expenses, loss of pay and other damages caused by the illness.
A norovirus attorney investigates the circumstances to understand the infection that involves collecting evidences and interviewing the witnesses. They work to identify the responsible parties like restaurant owners, food manufacturers and hold them accountable for their negligence.
Norovirus lawyers also work with the food regulatory authorities to improve the overall food safety standards and prevent the outbreak of the disease by advocating the strict regulations and guidelines. The initial goal of a Norovirus lawyer is to ensure that the victim gets fair compensation.
Hiring a Norovirus lawyer can be beneficial for the victims to receive a fair compensation. A norovirus lawyer can help you receive a significant amount as compensation to overcome the additional burden of medical expenses, loss of pay and other damages that impact the overall quality of life. A Norovirus attorney can help you get a fair compensation for the losses by investigating the overall circumstances for the infection. They are the legal experts who can navigate the legal process and advocate for your rights.
Hiring a Norovirus lawyer can help you focus on your health and recovery while they can work on improving your chances of fair compensation for all the losses you suffer. Norovirus lawyers can help you improve food safety standards and minimize the chances of outbreak of the infection that can help the society.
Very recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that a new strain of norovirus has been discovered and that the United States experiences more norovirus outbreaks than most other countries, making it all the more important to consult a seasoned norovirus lawyer if you’ve become ill with the viruses. At Ron Simon & Associates, we’re passionate about your health and well-being. Our norovirus attorneys have over two decades of experience with providing news and information about food poisoning outbreaks and litigation across the nation. The National Trial Lawyers Association has named Ron one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in the United States, distinguishing him as a lawyer with a proven track record of trial success.
We’ve helped our clients recover over $700,000,000. Ron’s articles on outbreaks and litigation found on Food Poisoning News have been viewed by readers in over 180 countries. If you have any questions about the norovirus and a potential foodborne poisoning case on your hands, contact Ron Simon & Associates today.
If you are experiencing signs of foodborne illness, contact us today for a free case consultation.
If you suspect food poisoning
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